Our all hopes, wishes and efforts to save our beloved Comrade Jaswantha Rao could not succeed. He breathed his last at 8.0 PM on August 27, 2020 while fighting for two weeks against Corona and serious lung ailment. Com.Jaswanth was the Central Executive Committee Member of the CPI(ML) rebuilt with Com.Kanu Sanyal, the leader of Naxalbari Peasant Revolutionary Movement as its General Secretary; He was the Editor of THE CLASS STRUGGLE, the Central English Organ of CPI(ML) and the Editor of APSC Telugu Organ, JANASHAKTI. He was the secretary of TARIMELA NAGI REDDY MEMORIAL TRUST.
Com. Jaswanth had adopted Marxism and Communist politics right in his student’s life. He stood in the fore front firmly and with total conviction in all difficulties, twists and turns, setbacks and advances that the Communist Revolutionary Movement in AP and India had experienced in more than five decades of time. He performed various responsibilities as a Communist revolutionary cadre, professional revolutionary, leader, editor of Party Organs and the Secretary of TN Memorial Trust. As part of work in rural areas, he went to the rural poor and adivasis. He worked among them and integrated with them. Heclosely studied the rural economy, exploitation andoppression. It greatly helped Com. Jaswanth to moreeffectively explain the significance and of the abolition of feudal system and agrarian revolution. He held high Marxism Leninism Mao Tse-Tung Thought, the revolutionary politics and the revolutionary mass line to the end.
Com. Jaswanth was a veracious reader. Taking Com. T.N’s ideas, life and work as an ideal and under com.T.N’s leadership, Com. Jaswanth made an extensive and in depth study of Marxism and Marxist economy. Especially, after the departure of Com. T.N he took it as an important responsibility and political task to apply the fundamental formulations, analyses and conclusions made by Com. T.N in the INDIA MORTGAGED regarding the Programme of CRs to the concrete Indian conditions in the light of Marxism and explain them. He made a special effort for this. He made special efforts to counter the attacks that are being intensified against Marxism and revolutionary politics in the wake of setbacks suffered by the Communist and revolutionary movements in India and the world and also to explain the revolutionary politics on the basis of study and practice. Com.Jaswanth made countless writings. He made powerful speeches in countless small and big meetings and public gathering. He had a very powerful voice. He participated in several meetings of workers and studied their conditions as well as the state of working class movement. He explained in their meetings and gatherings the nature of present social system, exposed how the policies of present ruling classes are destroying the rights and lives of the working class and explained the role of working class and the significance of worker-peasant alliance in NDR. He spoke excellently in the meetings organized by the party or joint fora in various states explaining the policies of Indian ruling classes, analyzing the nature, causes and consequences of economic crisis and explaining the revolutionary politics. These speeches were very inspiring, educative and raising the confidence of comrades and people.
Com.Jaswanth is a Marxist intellectual. He was a leader who dedicated his entire life for communist revolutionary politics. He was friendly in nature. Being sharp in ideas, expressing views with total clarity and command was Com.Jaswanth’s special quality.
Com.Jaswanth had utilized his close association and discussions with our leader Com. Kanu Sanyal to study the course of development of Naxalbari Peasant Revolutionary movement and more powerfully pronounce the correctness of revolutionary mass line.
Loss of Com.Jaswanth with whom we lived and worked together and most intimately in all circumstances in a long common political journey is painful. The untimely departure of Com.Jaswanth at a time when we are required to more firmly, powerfully and unitedly counter the growing attacks on Communist ideology, communist convictions and communist achievements and also at a time when we are required and we are making serious efforts to overcome the setbacks and disunities suffered by the communist revolutionary movement and revolutionary movements and build a united Party is a serious loss to the party and the Communist Revolutionary Movement in India.
Let us pay our revolutionary homage to our beloved Comrade Jaswanth Rao.
Let us make tireless efforts to overcome this great difficulty and grief in the spirit of Com.Jaswanth’s struggle and achieve a stable and powerful unity and united party of Communist Revolutionaries in India.
Seshamma – life partner of Com. Jaswanth- is the third daughter of a renowned people’s writer and artist, Com.Sunkara Satya Narayana. She stood by Com.Jaswanth to the end in every manner. Let us convey our deep and heart-felt condolences to her and her children. Let us share their agony and sorrow.
On behalf of the
August 28, 2020
Central Executive Committee,
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