Monday, October 26, 2020

बिहार विधान सभा चुनाव-2020 में भाकपा (माले) की राज्य के मतदाताओं से अपील

 अवसरवादी, जनविरोधी एवं जनतंत्र का माखौल उड़ाने वाले फासीवादी भाजपा-जदयू गठबंधन को पराजित करें!

राजद, कांग्रेस एवं संसदीय वामपंथी दलों के महागठबंधन के चुनावी अवसरवाद का पर्दाफाश करें!

कम्युनिस्ट क्रांतिकारी, वामपंथी एवं जनवादी दलों के उम्मीदवारों को चुनाव में वोट देकर विजयी बनाएँ!

जहाँ भाजपा-जदयू गठबंधन के खिलाफ जनपक्षधर प्रत्याशी खड़े नहीं हों,

वहाँ फासीवादी ताकतों को परास्त करने के लिए सबसे सशक्त उम्मीदवार को अपना समर्थन दें!



प्रिय मतदाताओं,

    बिहार विधानसभा के चुनाव की घोषणा हो चुकी है। कोरोना महामारी के संकटों से जूझ रही जनता के समक्ष एक और चुनौती आ खड़ी हुई है। राज्य के जागरूक मतदाताओं को लुभाने के लिए तरह-तरह के बहरूपिए चुनावी वायदों की लम्बी-चौड़ी फेहरिस्त लेकर आपके बीच उपस्थित होंगे और आपको दिग्भ्रमित करने एवं ठगने का भरपूर प्रयास करेंगे। ऐसे समय में आप मतदाताओं के सामने अपने सही प्रतिनिधि के चुनाव की महत्वपूर्ण जिम्मेवारी आ गयी है। हम जानते हैं कि अधिकांश प्रत्याशी नीतियों, कार्यक्रमों एवं अपने विगत कार्यों के आधार पर वोट माँगना पसंद नहीं करते हैं और येन-केन-प्रकारेण चुनाव जीत जाने की बेताबी में हर तरह की तिकडम एवं मौकापरस्ती के लिए तैयार रहते हैं। फलतः जाति एवं धर्म की जहरीली आंधी बहायी जाती है और पैसे एवं लोभ-लालच का खुल्लमखुल्ला प्रदर्शन किया जाता है। और ये सब कारगुजारियाँ सबसे ज्यादा शासक वर्गीय दलों एवं गठबंधनों के दवारा ही की जाती हैं और कोई उनका कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ पाता, क्योंकि जिनके कंधों पर इसकी रोकथाम का संवैधानिक दायित्व है, वे स्वयं वर्गीय पक्षधरता की शिकार बन अधिकांश मामले में मौन धारण कर लेते हैं या खानापूरी कर चुपचाप बैठ जाते हैं।

    साथियों ! आपको याद होगा कि पिछला विधानसभा चुनाच (2015 का चुनाव) जदयू ने राजद के साथ मिलकर लड़ा था तथा जीत के बाद सरकार बनायी थी और फिर बीच में ही गठबंधन को एकतरफा भंग करते हुए भाजपा के सहयोग से पुनः सरकार बना ली। यह जनादेश का अपमान था और अवसरवादी राजनीति की पराकाष्ठा थी। बिहार की जनता ने नीतीश कुमार के इस राजनीतिक आचरण को नजदीक से देखा है और उसके 'ताप' को महसूस किया है। इस परिघटना ने न सिर्फ अवसरवादी पूँजीवादी राजनीति की कलई खोलकर रख दी, बल्कि साथ ही इसने नीतीश कुमार की अविश्वसनीयता तथा भाजपा एवं जदयू की सिद्धांतविहीनता व अवसरवादिता को भी उजगार कर दिया।

    केन्द्र में नरेन्द्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में भाजपा गठबंधन की सरकार के पिछले छः वर्षों से अधिक के शासन काल में लगातार फूट, वैमनस्य एवं नफरत की राजनीति को हवा दी गयी है और साम्प्रदायिकता, अंधराष्ट्रवाद एवं सुद्धोन्माद की आंधी बहाकर देश एवं समाज के माहौल को विषाक्त बनाया गया है। आज नरेन्द्र मोदी के शासन काल में मजदूरों, किसानों एवं जनता के अन्य तबकों के अधिकारों पर खुलेआम हमले किये जा रहे हैं और नागरिक स्वतंत्रता एवं जनतांत्रिक अधिकारों का माखौल उड़ाते हुए देश पर फासीवादी तानाशाही थोपने की संघ परिवार की साजिश को अमली जामा पहनाने की अनवरत कोशिश की जा रही है। ज्ञातव्य है कि केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा मजदूरपक्षीय श्रम कानूनों में बदलाव करते हुए पूंजीपक्षी सुधार एवं हाल के दिनों में रेलवे सहित कई सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उद्यमों में निजीकरण को बढ़ावा देने तथा विनिवेशीकरण की प्रक्रिया को आगे बढ़ाने का काम किया गया है। और हाल ही में संसद द्वारा जनविरोधी किसान एवं कृषि क्षेत्र से सम्बन्धित तीन विधेयकों" को पारित कराकर केन्द्र की भाजपा सरकार ने यह साबित कर दिया है कि असल में उनका इरादा किसानों के लिए न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (MSP) को समाप्त करना और कृषि को कारपोरेट जगत के हवाले करना है। केन्द्र सरकार के इन कदमों ने उसके मजदूर-किसान विरोधी असली खूखार चेहरे को उजागर कर दिया है। भाजपानीत केन्द्र सरकार के अबतक के शासन काल में दलितों, आदिवासियों, अल्पसंख्यकों एवं अन्य वंचित समुदायों को विशेष उपेक्षा, अवमानना एवं हमले का शिकार बनाया गया है। भीमा कोरेगांव मामले में केन्द्र सरकार के दमनकारी रवैये और हाल में उत्तर प्रदेश के हाथरस जिले में एक दलित युवती के साथ गाँव के अगड़ी जाति के कुछ मनबढू एवं दबंग युवकों द्वारा किए गए सामूहिक बलात्कार व शारीरिक प्रताड़ना एवं तत्पश्चात उसकी मृत्यु (यानी हत्या) के मामले में यूपी की भाजपाई योगी सरकार तथा उसके पुलिस-प्रशासन के गरीब व दलित विरोधी रूख ने साफ कर दिया है कि राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के इशारे पर चलने वाले भाजपा जैसे दल के लिए भारत के पूंजीवादी संविधान को स्वीकार कर दबे-कुचले लोगों की प्रतिष्ठा की रक्षा करना आज भी कितना मुश्किल भरा काम बन गया है। तभी तो संविधान की शपथ लेने के बावजूद मुख्य मंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ का मनु स्मृति वाला घोर सामंती मन-मिजाज बार-बार छलक पड़ रहा है और इस बात की गवाही दे रहा है कि यूपी में सच में आज गुण्डाराज है।

    आज देश की अर्थव्यवस्था भीषण संकट से गुजर रही हैं। बेरोजगारी पिछले 45 वर्षों में सबसे उच्चतम पायदान पर खड़ी है, महंगाई आकाश छुती जा रही है और वर्तमान वित्तीय वर्ष के प्रथम तिमाही में देश के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद के विकास दर में 23.9 फीसदी की गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। जिन जनविरोधी नई आर्थिक नीतियों की शुरुआत 1991 में कांग्रेस पार्टी के शासन काल में पी. वी. नरसिम्हा राव के प्रधानमंत्री और मनमोहन सिंह के वित्त मंत्री रहते हुए हुई थी, उसको नरेन्द्र मोदी के भाजपाई शासन में चरम पर पहुंचा दिया गया है। आज देशी बडे पूंजीपतियों और अपने साम्राज्यवादी आकाओं के नग्न स्वार्थों की पूर्ति के लिए केन्द्र सरकार ने देश की अर्थव्यवस्था को नीलाम कर देने का मन बना लिया है। तभी तो फायदे में चलने वाले सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उदयमों एवं संस्थानों को औने-पौने दामों में निजी क्षेत्रों के हवाले कियाजा रहा है। रेलवे, जीवन बीमा निगम (एलआईसी), कोयला खदान, ओएनजीसी जैसे मुनाफे में चलने वाले उद्यमों व संस्थानों को .., प्राइवेट हाथों में सौंप देने या बेच डालने की कवायद सचमुच हतप्रभ करने वाली है! लेकिन 'मोदी है तो सब कुछ मुमकिन है' के जुमले का इस्तेमाल करने वाली पार्टी ने सच में इसे हकीकत में बदल डाला है।

    आज हमारे देश में एक ऐसी प्रतिक्रियावादी, जनविरोधी, साम्राज्यवादोरस्त पूंजीवादी सरकार केन्द्र की सत्ता में आसीन है जिसने अपने छ: वर्षों के शासन काल में देश में दमन एवं आतंक का माहौल कायम कर दिया है। इस शासन में तमाम पूंजीवादी जनतांत्रिक संस्थाओं को कमजोर किया जा रहा है। सीबीआई, इंडी, न्यायपालिका (यहाँ तक कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक), चुनाव आयोग आदि-आदि की अपेक्षाकृत स्वायत्तता को समाप्त करने की पुरजोर कोशिश की जा रही है। स्वतंत्र मानी जाने वाली मीडिया आज 'गोदी मीडिया' में तब्दील हो गयी है। मोदी-शाह के इस निरकुंश व स्वेच्छाचारी शासन काल में राजनीतिक विरोधियों, खासकर जनवादी, प्रगतिशील तथा क्रान्तिकारी राजनीतिक शक्तियों को विशेष दमन का शिकार बनाया जा रहा है। एकतरफ भीमा कोरेगांव मामले में प्रो० सधा भारद्वाज, प्रो० आनन्द तेलतम्बडे, श्री गौतम नवलखा, प्रो० सोमा सेन जैसे दर्जन भर प्रख्यात बुद्धिजीवियों एवं सामाजिक-राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ताओं की गिरफ्तारियाँ की गई हैं तो दूसरी ओर पिछले फरवरी महीने में उत्तर-पूर्वी दिल्ली में हुए साम्प्रदायिक दंगों के असली गुनहगारों को खला छोडकर स्वराज अभियान के श्री योगेन्द्र यादव, सीपीआई (एम) के महासचिव श्री सीताराम येचुरी, जेएनयू की अर्थशास्त्र की प्राध्यापक प्रो० जयती घोष, रंगकर्मी श्री राहुल राय, कांग्रेस पार्टी के नेता श्री सलमान खुर्शीद तथा अन्य अनेक नामी-गिरामी निर्दोष सामाजिक-राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ताओं एवं बद्धिजीवियों को फर्जी मुकदमे में फंसाने की साजिशें की जा रही हैं। यह सबको पता है कि दिल्ली के साम्प्रदायिक दंगों में किनका हाथ है। लेकिन दंगाइयों को सरकारी संरक्षण प्रदान कर और दंगे की निन्दा करने वाले निर्दोष लोगों (जिन्होंने सीएए. एनआरसी एवं एनपीआर विरोधी न्यायपर्ण आंदोलन में भाग लिया था) को नामजद अभियुक्त बनाकर सरकार ने अपने खतरनाक मंसूबों को जाहिर कर दिया है। ये सारी कारगुज़ारियाँ नरेन्द्र मोदी सरकार के फासीवादी दमन की प्रतिगामी मुहिम की कलई खोल कर रख देती हैं, लेकिन फिर भी निर्लज्जता की सारी हदों को पार कर केन्द्र सरकार उसी दिशा में आगे बढ़ रही है।

    ऐसी ही फासिस्ट शक्तियों से नापाक गठजोड बनाकर 'सशासन बाबू' नीतीश कुमार बिहार में एक बार फिर सत्ता में काबिज होने की दावेदारी पेश कर रहे हैं। भागलपुर सृजन घोटाले और मुजफ्फरपुर बालिका आश्रय गृह यौन उत्पीड़न कांड के दाग अभी भी नीतीश सरकार के दामन से धुले नहीं हैं। कोरोना महामारी से निपटने में राज्य सरकार की अक्षमता, खासकर चिकित्सा सुविधाओं की बहाली एवं स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की बढोत्तरी के मामले में सरकार की उदासीनता एवं कार्यकुशलता की कमी तो जगजाहिर है और बतफरोशी से उसे नहीं झुठलाया जा सकता। पिछले पन्द्रह वर्षों के अपने तथाकथित सुशासन काल में शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य एवं बिजली जैसी आवश्यक सेवाओं के निजीकरण एवं व्यवसायीकरण को बढ़ावा देकर नीतीश सरकार ने उसे इतनी महंगी कर दिया है कि आम जनता को उसके दंश को विवश होकर झेलना पड़ रहा है। रिश्वत एवं भ्रष्टाचार के मामले में तो भाजपा-जदयू की डबल इंजन की सरकार ने बहुत पहले ही राजद एवं कांग्रेस को पछाड़कर अपनी 'श्रेष्ठता' साबित कर ली थी।

    राजद के नेतृत्व में काँग्रेस एवं संसदीय वामपंथी दलों का महागठबंधन भी चुनावी मुकाबले में है। 'सामाजिक न्याय' का मंत्रजाप करने वाला राजद अभी भी जाति एवं धर्म की बैशाखी के सहारे ही चुनावी वैतरणी पार करने और सत्ता में वापसी के मंसूबे पाल रहा है। आज भी उसका 'सामाजिक न्याय' वंशगत शासन की पैरोकारी और एक खास जाति के घेरे से बाहर निकलने पर हाँफने लगता है। कांग्रेस इतनी दुर्दशा के बावजूद वंशगत शासन की पैरोकारी की नीति छोड़ने को तैयार नहीं है और हाल के दिनों में तो हिन्दु वोटरों को रिझाने के लिए धर्मनिरपेक्षता की 'सर्व-धर्म समभाव' की गांधीवादी नीति से पीछे हटते हुए नरम साम्प्रदायकिता पर अमल करना शुरू कर दिया है। और लाल झंडा फहराने वाले संसदीय वामपंथी दलों ने चुनाव में अपनी स्वतंत्र दावेदारी को पेश नहीं कर और वामपंथी शक्तियों की एकजुटता की परवाह किए बगैर चंद सीटों की जीत की गारंटी के लिए शासक वर्गीय महागठबंधन का हिस्सा बनना ज्यादा फायदेमंद समझा है।

    ऐसे कठिन एवं मुश्किल भरे दौर में कम्युनिस्ट क्रांतिकारी, सच्चे वामपंथी एवं जनवादी शक्तियों का यह फ़ौरी कार्यभार बनता है कि फासिस्ट ताकतों एवं उनके संश्रयकारियों को शिकस्त देने के लिए सबसे पहले अपने को एकजुट एवं सुदृढ करें और फिर विनाश की उन काली अंधेरी ताकतों के खिलाफ एक मजबूत मोर्चेबंदी करें।

    इसी परिप्रेक्ष्य में हमारी पार्टी भाकपा (माले)-क्लास स्ट्रगल की बिहार प्रांतीय कमिटी वर्तमान बिहार विधानसभा चुनाव में सबसे पहले कम्युनिस्ट क्रांतिकारी शक्तियों, वामपंथी दलों एवं अन्य जनवादी व जनपक्षधर शक्तियों द्वारा खड़े किए गए उम्मीदवारों का समर्थन करने और उन्हें विजयी बनाने की अपील आम मतदाताओं से करती है। जहाँ ऐसे प्रत्याशी चुनाव के मैदान में नहीं खड़े हैं, वहाँ मतदाताओं को भाजपा-जदयू के मुकाबले में खड़े सबसे मजबूत उम्मीदवार को वोट देना चाहिए।

    अंत में हमारी पार्टी की बिहार इकाई इस प्रदेश के मतदाताओं से आह्वान करती है कि वे जाति-धर्म की संकीर्णताओं से ऊपर उठकर और हर तरह के लोभ-लालच को धता बताते हुए एक जागरूक नागरिक की भूमिका अदा करते हुए इस महत्त्वपूर्ण चुनाव में देश, राज्य एवं समाज के हित में भाजपा-जदयू के गठबंधन को पराजित करें और फासीवादी ताकतों के खतरनाक मंसूबों को चकनाचूर कर दें।

    वर्तमान बिहार विधानसभा चुनाव में हमारी पार्टी भाकपा (माले) ने चार विधानसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों से प्रत्याशी खड़े किये हैं।

91 - बोचहां (अ॰जा० सुरक्षित) - कॉ. उदय चौधरी       208 - सासाराम - कॉ. मुनेश्वर गुप्ता

209 - करगहर (रोहतास) - कॉ. रिंकू कुमारी            206 – चैनपुर (कैमूर) - कॉ. प्रहलाद बिंद

                                                    क्रांतिकारी अभिवादन के साथ

                   भारत की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (मार्क्सवादी-लेनिनवादी)-क्लास स्ट्रगल

                                    बिहार प्रांतीय कमिटी

                               सम्पर्क मो० : 9430060092,9931857997, 7061905956, 7050966037

दिनांक : 09-10-2020


अरविन्द सिन्हा 103 नीलगिरी भवन, बोरिंग कैनाल रोड, पटना-800 001 द्वारा भाकपा (माले)-क्लास स्ट्रगल को बिहार प्रातीय कमिटी के लिए प्रकाशित और महेश्वरी प्रिन्टर्स, नया टोला, पटना-800 004 से मुद्रिता संख्या-30 हजार प्रतियाँ मात्र ।

Friday, October 16, 2020

A breaf report of three weeks Punjab kisaan andolan

The call of 31 kisan organisations who got together to fight against the agriculture laws enacted by fascist Modi govt. Around 100 small n large organisations of workers, employees, traders, Mandi commission agents, youth, students, and many more came to support peasants. It was historic united action . Peasants had given call to Block railway tract for 3 days from 24 Sept to 26 Sept which is complete.The sangharsh committee has extended rail block up to 29th.

Writers, singers and other cultural organisations and individuals also came on roads in support of kisans. Women peasants in large number were in forefront of struggle at many places

College and school teachers unions, lawyers associations, Human rights organisations, Police pensioners association also participated in bandh

All the small or big kisan organisations  of Punjab got together total 31 organisations came on one platform Except CPM led kisan sabha which is unfortunate. All about 10 left kisan organisations of ml affiliation are on forefront having 80 % of total mobilisation capability

Under the pressure of united kisan movement various burjua parties like Akali Dal, Congress are forced to organise protest dramas but people have rejected their move as a nautanki. Kisans in some districts have prepared the lists of BJP activist n leaders and given call for their social boycott

People of Punjab deserve congratulation for organising such a mass movement against fascist govt decision of anti people, anti farmer ordinances n laws. It's credit goes to people not the parties or organisations .

Definitely 31 kisan organisations who stood unitedly did,  historic job.
Kendri Punjabi lekhak sabha also protested in support of kisans at Jalandhar Punjab
On 24th BJP leaders tried to hold a press conference in D
Sangrur Punjab to explain  benefits of the ordinances to farmers but kisan union activists reached the spot armed with  flags in tempus and loud speakers n gheraod  that hall which forced  the fascist to run away.

People organised mass dharnas and rail n road blocks at 400 places in Punjab on 25th bandh  

After successful completion of Punjab band on 25th Sept. Inspire of harvesting season, Kisan organisations have decided to completely block rail traffic indefinitely from 1st October. It also  decided that peasants n workers shall organise dharna daily at residences of all BJP leaders till they denounce the black laws passed by Modi govt. N come to support of agitating farmers or leave Punjab.
As decided by sangharsh committee of 31 kisan organisations in Punjab various kisan unions have started putting boards in villages to ban and  boycott all BJP leaders if  they visit their village

Nukkad natak teams spread to villages in Punjab to mobile people against draconian anti peasant anti workers laws
Peasants in Punjab have given call to boycott businesses  and products of Ambani and Adani. They are sitting on dharna at reliance petrol pumps and also porting jio mobile numbers to other companies
31 kisan organisations met CM of Punjab on his invitation. CM promised to call assembly session within a week to reject all the three ordinances n laws passed by parliament. Later kisan organisations met and decided that all the 13000 Panchayat in state shall call general body ijlas n reject unanimously the laws  passed by parliament.

After grand success of complete Punjab band on 25 Sept. at the call of 31 kisan unions in the state  peasants  continue to block rail traffic from 1st october in Punjab for indefinite, no train is allowed to pass through Punjab. They have forces all malls owned by corporates like Ambani, Adani and others shut down where kisan unions are putting dharnas. Peasant are staging day n night sit in at Reliance petrol pumps and have forced them to shut it down. They have taken control of toll plazas erected on state n national highways, which are mostly owned by corporates n politicians, people are asked to pass free without any fee. Youth and other organisations have also joined it in large number making it people's movement. They have declared it will continue indefinitely till anti farmer laws not withdrawn by the govt.

Employees organisations under the banner of Democratic Mulazim Front are participating in large number in solidarity with peasants in the dharna at railway stations to block rail traffic in  Amritsar dist. daily from 1 to 4 pm

In Punjab it has taken shape of mass movement. All sections of society are involved in it.participation of youth is increasing day by day

It's Innovative:
Kisan organisations especially those belonging to ML stream are adopting new methods to expand their base in peasantry, they have formed Women wings and youth Wings of their unions separately. This way they have succeeded in expanding their base in peasantry and are getting vast mobilisation which is one of the reasons of successful mobilisation of peasantry in Punjab.

All affiliates of ML parties having about 70% base n mobilising capacity among peasantry are mobilising Women and Youth in large numbers with this method of organisation. Other peasant organisations in rest of country should think of this innovative methodology.

Activists of the movement take control of toll plaza near Patiala in Punjab on 5th september. Now people pass through without paying fee

Indian students had protest marches in Canada against black laws and opportunist stand taken by Badal and Captain

From 6th sep. Employees organisations come forward to support kisan movement in Amritsar district Punjab

And Representatives of traders march through bazaars in various towns to make people aware of impact of draconian agriculture laws passed by govt.

Activists of Krantikari kisan  union protest by blocking railway track at Shambhu in Patiala district on 6th Sept..

At the call of 17 kisan organisations and with support of students, youth, employees  thousands of people gathered on 6th in Sirsa Haryana to protest against the draconian anti farmer anti workers laws. Police attacked peacefully protecting people, used force, teargas and water cannons., Which is being condemned by vast section of society.

Jamhoori Adhikar Sabha has called people to intensify agitation.
Kisan organisations organise indefinite protest dharna at Ferozpur railway station Punjab, jam rail traffic at the call of 31 kisan unions.

Pro - NDA, group  called BKU (lakhowal) has been thrown out of 31 kisan organisations committee. He was hobnobbing with centre govt. It's president Ajmer Singh Lakhowal had been chairman of Punjab Mandi board for 5 yeas during Akali govt. He represents a section of Rich Peasentry and has negligible following. After this development it's 30 kisan unions platform.

Centre govt.. has invited kisan organisations from Punjab for talks to explain benefits of agriculture bills on 7th, but all kisan unions of Punjab have rejected this invitation and has expressed determination to carry on aggitation.

30 kisan organisations of Punjab met in kisan bhavan Chandigarh on 7th. They decided to block national highways on 9 October in Punjab for 2 hours in protest of police repression on kisans of Haryana.

They reject the invitation for talks by centre govt officials.

They give a 7 days time to Punjab govt to call state assembly session to pass resolution to reject anti people agriculture laws passed by centre.

Dharnas to block rail, and malls, petrol pumps, toll plazas owned by corporates like Ambani, Adani  and others will continue
Kisan unions on  indefined dharna at Rampura Phool (Bathinda dist.) and at Sangrur railway stations in Punjab

In Punjab it's paddy harvesting season, even then people manage to protest n participate in day n night dharnas at railway station tracks, corporate malls, toll plazas, ambani petrol pumps,  godowns, other ventures of Ambani, Adani n other coporates. It's their determination to fight these pro- fascist leeches, they have taken it as life n death question

Mass organisations in Barnala Punjab held March in protest of Hathras rape case and sent memorandum to President of India through DC Barnala.

30 kisan organisations jam the national highways in Punjab on 9th for 2 hours from 12 to 2 p.m in protest against police lathicharge on peasants in Haryana and Hathras rape case.

Women in forefront of kiasan movement  in Punjab. Kisan unions are paying special attention to organise peasant women and youth wings of their organisations

On 9th  peasants in Karnal Mandi in Haryana gheraoed and threw BJP leader out who had come to take stock of paddy sales in Mandi. Anger of farmers is growing against BJP in Haryana

Punjab Students Union and Naujawan Bharat Sasha has given call to gherao RSS office in Moga Punjab in 15th October

At the same time Dalit organisations of Punjab had given Punjab band call on 10th Oct against Hathras rape. Kisans, youth and other organisations have also extended support.

Kisan activists block highway on 10th in Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar District Punjab.

Same day Jamhoori Adhikar Sabha activists in Bathinda Punjab protest against Manisha rape n murder case in Hathras U.P.

Kisan in large number are sitting on indefinite rail roko dharna almost at all major railway stations in Punjab. People from adjoining villages supply Langer i.e. food and milk regularly

From 11th onwards At the call of kisan organisations people are surrendering their jio (Ambani) mobile connections, porting it to other companies.

Kisans are also staging dharnas at Patanjali stores / offices along with Ambani and Adani malls, godowns and Petrol pumps in the state as part of their movement to boycott corporates.

They are holding railways, more than 36 railway main lines and stations are in their control, no rail traffic in Punjab.

They have captured all the toll plazas and made it free passage to commuters.

They have forcibly closed malls of Ambani, Adani, Patanjli stores, godown of corporates, and picketing there day n night.

They have closed all Petrol pumps owned by Reliance, picketing there day n night.

They can close national n state highways whenever they call

People of all classes i.e workers, employees, students, youth, women, traders , shopkeepers, Mandi commission agents and now latest children are part of the movement .

142 well known Punjabi writers pledged to support the ongoing movements of peasants against 3 agriculture laws passed by centre and movement by students against the denial of post matric scholarship of dalit students. Releasing statement with names n signatures of writers, general secretary of Kendri Punjabi Lekhak Sabha Dr.Sukhdev Singh Sirsa asked govt to withdraw agriculture bills.

Punjab CM has called special assembly session on 19th October to negate agriculture laws passed by center govt.

On 15th Large number of youth under the banner of Naujawan Bharat Sabha gathered in Moga. Youth marched in bazara and reached the venue and  picketed in front of RSS office and challenged them to come out. Sanghis had announced that they will send the protesters back on stretchers. Youth challenged them for hours, coward Sanchi's locked themselves inside in presence of heavy police security. 30 kisan organisations have declared to intensify their movement to gherao  BJP and RSS offices and residence of their leaders  and put indefinite dharnas there

Centre and state govts. are secretly hand in glove.

Govts. May ask the court to issue directive to lift blockade  n use para military forces any time but people know it n are prepared to fight it.

The Punjab,haryana  pesant movement is on traks .
It's for people of other states too to rise up n fight unitedly to defeated the  anti people designs of fascists

Friday, October 2, 2020



One more girl fell victim of unspeakable brutality and crime against women in UP. On September 14th2020, Manisha, a 19 year old dalit girl from a village in Hathras district, UP was kidnapped by four upper caste goons. They brutally beaten, tortured and cruelly gang raped her. Manisha battled to the last to protect her honour and life. In the course, her tongue was cut, she suffered serious spinal injuries and her legs and hands were paralyzed. The Govt. and police sought to  dismiss this ghastly act as a fake news. The police moved into action very late and arrested the four culprits, admitted her in a hospital first in Aligarh and later in Safdarganj Hospital in Delhi. She was declared as dead in early hours on September 29th. The police hastened to cremate her body without the consent of her family and by keeping the family members locked up in their home.   

            This is a most reprehensible, ghastly and atrocious crime and murder. 

            UP under BJP’ rule headed by Yogi Adityanath has turned into a land where the landlords, rich, police, politically influential, communal and anti-social forces feel more free to trample the rights and lives of landless and poor peasants, and other toiling people under the foot; commit crimes against the dalit, women and religious minorities, silence the democratic voice and escape from the punishment. UP also seems to have become a ground for the rulers to enact ever new draconian laws, improvise the systems and methods of suppression to bail out the crisis-ridden Indian ruling classes who are faced with  ever growing discontent and just struggles of our people. 

            Manisha died in a heroic battle to protect her honour and life from the perpetrators of heinous crime. Let her sacrifice do not go waste. Let the democratic protest of people to demand justice, proper punishment to the culprits and their protectors and for social conditions which banish all forms of oppression for ever become louder and stronger.  

Sept 30, 2020


                                                                                                                                   General Secretary

                                                                                                                        CENTRAL COMMITTEE

                                                                                                                                                   CPI (ML) 

The Central Government Should Immediately Revoke All Acts And Pending Bills Introduced In The Parliament Which Completely Destroy Agriculture

Join the Bandh and Agitations on 25th September 2020


    The threat to Federalism in India is at its greatest. The BJP-led NDA government at the Center is usurping all the powers of the States, day by day. Any party that is ruling in any state is brought to its toes or silenced by using all methods and subduing all autonomous institutions including judiciary. The attack on federalism is from all fronts. The GST tax system has broken the finances of the states; New legislations are not only meant to take control of natural resources from States but also to easily evict tribals and forest dwellers from their natural dwellings; Even control on education including medical education is being snatched from States; The centre is intensifying its grip on land under different names like Coastal Regulation Zones [CRZ] etc. But the burden of natural disasters like floods and epidemics is being pushed on to the states. There are countless examples of this, even the most recent global pandemic, corona, is left to the States.

    An unprecedented number of anti-people policies and Bills have been passed to feed our entire Industrial Sector and valuable lands to the multinationals to plunder the wealth and labour of our people. Everything from seed to market is privatized in the agricultural sector. It is done in such a way that agriculture became unaffordable to the millions of small and middleclass farmers. These peasants, who are providing food security for a nation of 130 crores are resorting to suicides unable to have a sustainable living.Three Anti Farmer And Anti Agriculture Acts are passed in the parliament which were brought in to hand over market yards to Big Corporates. Bills are proposed to take over the control on electricity from the States by the Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 . Now the Center is conspiring in Parliament to grab the right on water and water resources to sell them permanently to its corporate masters. The three bills on the rivers, the most dangerous ones, which have been introduced in Parliament and the Rajya Sabha in the past but expired, are again getting ready to introduce in the parliament but held back due to the opposition from some states. They are part of a conspiracy by the Center to divert India’s river and water resources into the hands of multinational corporations.

    The Constitution of India stipulates that water is a matter of the states. If these bills are legislated the water control will go entirely within the purview of the Center. In the words of Vandana Siva, it opens the door to water wars in India. Through these three bills, the rights over rivers and dams in the hands of States will be completely transferred to the Centre.

 1.River Basin Management Bill – 2019:

    According to this Bill, Chief ministers of 13 river basin states are reduced to advisors, public representatives as consultants and both are part of a body called ‘council’, while the bureaucrats who are controlled by the center, constitutes the ‘authority’. Thus, States lose their right to develop, protect, and distribute water in these river basins.

 2. River Water Dispute Bill - 2019:

    The present practise of resolving interstate water disputes is setting up of a tribunal by the Central Water Board. This too at the request of the State/States. Contrary to this, all the river disputes in the country were created by the rulers. Since 1956, River Water Dispute tribunals were setup for Krishna, Godavari, Narmada, Cauvery and Ravi rivers. It took 33 years for the Ravi- Beas tribunal and 29 years for Cauvery tribunal to submit their reports. These were dragged for years to divert people’s attention from fundamental issues. So, over the years some of these problems  Cauvery dispute between Karnataka and Tamilnadu, Godavari disputed between combined state of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, and the upcoming disputes between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana – are all fanned and perpetuated by the rulers. Now, new laws are being brought, in the name of providing solutions. Under the new law, there will be four members on a select committee to appoint a tribunal to resolve disputes between states. The Prime Minister, two Union Cabinet Ministers and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Neither the states nor their engineering departments have the minimum information. The role of the judiciary is minimal. The new bill appears to have reduced the period for setting up tribunal for consultation, from 5 years to one year. But the center’s Suo moto power to setup tribunal without any request from states is enough for the BJP rulers to create water wars between the states whenever they want. It can make 100s of similar disputes like the Mandir-Masjid across the country through this disputes bill.

 3. Dam Safety Authority Bill - 2019:

    There are 5745 small and large reservoirs in the country. 293 of which are over a hundred years old. 25 percent of dams are less than 50 to 100 years old. 40 dams have been washed away since 1947. The accident at Machu dam in Rajkot district of Gujarat in 1979, which entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest dam failure, claimed thousands of lives. The government estimates itself say that in all projects in the country- small, large and multi-purpose - silt has accumulated to 30-40 per cent of their capacity due to lack of minimum maintenance.

    The Dams Safety bill proposes a central authority for Dam’s safety which means the states’ autonomy over major irrigation dams in their territories will be grabbed by the Centre. This bill wily avoided mentioning about protection of dams and their cost. Thus,

    Dams are going to face more disasters between the center and states. This bill would pave the way for centre to take over and privatize Genco [power generation], the only remaining one in power sector.

    The purpose of these laws is to bring the country’s entire agricultural sector and farming under complete control of the centre. The bills are driven by deals of foreign multi-national giants in food and agribusinesses with desi companies like Reliance, by making multi-billion-dollar investments and buying equities in them.

    Drinking water was first privatized in India. Small local ponds, drinking and irrigation water sources were damaged as per the plan. Tribal farming in the forests and hillslopes was destroyed in the name of development. Ten to fifteen kilometers of streams and canals created by the ebbs and tides along the coast that are under use for coastal farming were destroyed in the name of various industrial corridors and ports. Rivers that carry sweet water with varied minerals have been ceded to companies such as Coca-Cola. The peasants living along these rivers are continuously harassed. They are pulled to courts and threatened by judiciary. These private players have adapted entire agriculture sector to their advantage utilizing the massive irrigation projects. Yet millions of peasants and laborers in this country are continuing in agriculture to live with self-respect. So far, the water from these projects are used by peasants for agriculture. Now these Anti Agriculture Acts and bills will allow foreign companies to take over the control of these projects and plunder our farmers by charging every litre of water, showing the devotion of our comprador ruling parties towards their imperialist lords. All this in the name of patriotism is a travesty. Governments are on the constant search for new disputes – nation, religion, region, water – time to time, to divide and divert people from real problems.

    Bills were already passed to transfer millions of acres of land and forests in the country to corporate companies, now to plunder our water for their Industries these bills will be enacted into laws. States were already given direction to measure every litre of water that flows into the canals of the tenant and small farmers who are challenging this corporate order; orders were already given to measure every unit of current received by these peasants. All the laws and policies in the last five-and-ahalf years are part of a more drastic implementation of pro-imperialist comprador policies that have made agriculture unsustainable and turned farmers into labourers. We now have to face these latest bills that are going to become Acts.

    The Karnataka Rajya Rythu Sangh demands the immediate withdrawal of anti farmer Acts and proposed bills in the parliament. We appeal to the peasantry and the masses to protest by all means to repeal these Acts and bills and also Join the Bharat Bandh on 25th September 2020 against Anti Farmer and Anti Agriculture Acts and Bills.




Karnataka Rajya Rythu Sangh

(Affiliated to AIKMKS )


  By THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT OF “HONGQI”   In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Lenin Long Live Leninism.pdf