Friday, December 25, 2020
Thursday, December 3, 2020
The Indian Peasant masses recorded in the past several heroic
struggles for their emancipation from the yoke of slavery and exploitative grip
of Feudalism and Imperialism. In early period the struggles were spontaneous, without
any conscious leadership with class ideology. After the historic November Revolution
in Russia under the revolutionary Communist Leadership and formation of the Communist
Party of India under the guidance of the THIRD COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL the peasants'
struggles in India entered the arena of conscious class struggle with class Objective.
The peasants' struggle in 'Hojang', which was spread out throughout Bengal with
the demand of one Third Share of crops and thereafter in Telangana the peasants
struggle and Kakdip with the endeavour to drive out the feudal Landlords from Lands
were under the Leadership of the Communist Party of India. The peasant masses in
the struggles of Telangana and Kakdip were induced to take up arms in hands and
were imbibed with the thought of armed struggle. The Kakdip struggle was a follow
up of Telangana Struggle in diminutive form.
The Naxalbari Peasants struggle was much smaller in dimension
than that of Telangana Presents Struggle. Then why the Naxalbari Peasants struggle
bore special significance and importance and wider sensation? It was/is because
of -
* The struggle was erupted when the communist party/ies came
in share of the state power, in a slice, through parliamentary election in West
Bengal, Orientating an 'United Front Government' with a combination of 'Left Parties'
and a dissenting wing of Congress. The newly formed CPI(M), which claimed to be
'revolutionary' opposite to 'revisionist' CPI, but sharing power with the revisionist',
possessed the dominant voice in the Government.
* The organizers of the peasant Front of CPI(M) in Darjeeling
were in the Leadership of the peasants of Naxalbari in the struggle. The support
to the struggle came from certain other leading cadres of CPI(M) of other front
and places. The campaign in support of the struggle brought the issue before the
people as open debate.
* The CPI(M) Leadership condemned the struggle as 'prematured'
and Left sectarianism or adventurism. They wanted surrender of the Leaders of the
struggle to the police.
* The theoretical proposition of the CPI(M) Leadership was
that the peasants' struggle in other states was in immatured position and without
simultaneous upsurge of peasants covering a considerable number of the states, the
armed struggle of the peasants in a area would surely face disaster; and hence such
step would be suicidal.
Accordingly, the theoretical propositions of the CPI(M) Leadership
were to be discarded by the Communist cadres, as Communist revolutionaries who stood
up in support of the struggle of the peasants. Hence it became a serious ideological
struggle in the Communist Polities and movement. The Communist Revolutionaries were
to come out with the political proposition bearing revolutionary concepts. The new
political propositions as evolved, were -
* The theory of class 'upsurge' at a time to seize the state
power by the proletariat, as happened in November Revolution in Russia would not
operate as such in the present historical situation ; the Indian Revolution in its
present stage of the Peoples' Democratic Revolution would generally be in the pattern
of the Chinese Revolution - a long drawn struggle in the form of protracted civil
war ; hence Mao Tsu Tung's concept of mass-based 'Peoples War' and of peasants struggle,
with creation of rural 'base area' should be adopted; the 'Agrarian revolution would
be the axis of the Revolution; the urban working class movement and other democratic
movement should be shaped to strengthen the agrarian revolution; the working class
would be considered as the Leader of the Struggle and should be trained for the
* The objective of CPI(M) to achieve peoples Democratic Government
with elimination of vested interests from the economy through parliamentary process
would be a false illusion to the people ; A 'Revolution' would be necessary for
creation of such Government.
* The parliamentary polities of CPI & CPI(M) must be discarded
and they should be considered as carriers of revisionism in Indian Communist movement.
These propositions entailed the tasks of NEW ORIENTATION OF
THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT with revolutionary perspective. It would be shaped through
development of new mass struggle. But this politics could not be blossomed in proper
shape due to domination of certain erroneous thoughts or concepts to conduct revolutionary
struggle. The concepts were : (1) To equipoise the class struggle with annihilation
of class enemy with individual murder ; (2) To consider this annihilation of class
enemy with individual murder as highest form of class struggle ; (3) To negative
the role of class organisation ; (4) To abandon the mass organisation ; (5) To adopt
individual - based - Guerrilla action as a substitute of class struggle ; (6) To
deny the importance of urban movement and to for sake activities in working class
front ; (7) to induce an idea of achieving 'liberation' of the toiling masses
within shortest span of time through Guerrilla action ; (8) To adopt a wrong ideological
concept taking 'Mao Tse Tungs' Thought in isolation depicting it as ‘highest
stage of Marxism’ in the present day world. These concepts converted the new revolutionary
politics to Terrorism and caused disaster on organisation. In my view, the timely
intervention of the Communist Party of China, in appropriate manner could have saved
the position.
The Communist Revolutionaries in India, having taken lesson
from the mistaken thoughts and concept should reorganise the polities, which emerged
in the context of the Naxalbari Peasants struggle for new revolutionary growth.
It is evident that the Peoples Democratic Revolution in India has remained unfinished.
An objective analysis of the present situation is necessary to play role in this
Revolution. It is observed that all the ruling parties in India including the Communist
Parties are now the open inventors of Imperialist capital in the economy of the
country and the open supporters of the Native Big Capital in their ruthless exploitation
of the mass. The main enemies of the Revolution are now the 'Friends' of the Ruling
Parties. The imperialist capital and Native Big Capital, with mutual collaboration
have obtained firm grip over the economy. The parliamentary governments are now
tools in their hands. The powerful section of the rich peasantry are now in collaboration
with these capitals. Hence the main objective of the Peoples Democratic Revolution
is to smash these Vested interests. So the main blow should be hurled against the
Imperialist Capital and Native Big capital and their political agents - the present
parliamentary rulers, The masses of the people should be made conscious of this
situation so that the main target of the peoples' movement will remain clear. The
masses should be made free from the influence of CPI & CPI(M). The working class
peasantry and the toiling masses should be led to new struggle. The rural masses
should be organised strongly with creation of mass organisations. The village
Panchayat should be considered as a part of 'State'. The movement should be organised
against the Panchayat opposing and resisting imposition of rural taxes and for realisation
of the demands of peasants and rural labouring people; and mass organisation should
AND NATIVE BIG CAPITAL should be created. The Communist Revolutionaries must join
together in this PLATFORM, commenting their unity with a view to develop new struggle
of the masses. The new orientation of the Communist movement should be brightened.
It will be the real remembrance of the NAXALBARI PEASANTS STRUGGLE.
Date : 24th May, 1997.
Significance and Relevance of Naxalbari Peasant Revolutionary Movement
(Paper presented in the All India Seminar held in Vijayawada on May 24th, 1997 in Commemoration of Martyrs of Naxalbari Peasant Revolutionary Movement)
"A peal of spring thunder has crashed over the
land of India. Revolutionary peasants in the Darjeeling area has risen in
rebellion. Under the leadership of a revolutionary group of the Indian
Communist Party, a red area of rural revolutionary armed struggle has been
established in India. This is a development of tremendous significance for the
Indian peoples revolutionary struggle".
it Means to Us?
1. Naxalbari is
a struggle of historic significance.
It brought a revolutionary turn in politics and people's movement
in India. It most effectively unmasked the neo-revisionist and class
collaborationist politics of CPI (M) Leadership which surrendered to
parliamentary politics. It forcibly brought the revolutionary path, the path of
struggle on the agenda. It sharpened the contradiction and intensified the struggle
between the revisionists and neo-revisionists on one side and the revolutionary
forces on the other. It initiated the decisive break of Communist Revolutionaries
from the neo-revisionists at the all India level.
2. Naxalbari is
not just a name of an area in Darjeeling where the historic struggle has come
up. It characterises a definite path-the path of struggle, the path of Agrarian
Revolution. It provided rich experiences for the revolutionary
movement in India. It symbolised the rising consciousness and readiness of our
people for a basic change in the system. Naxlbari is Revolution.
Background of
International situation: It was a time when China was advancing in its socialist
construction defying the imperialist blockade and revisionist sabotage. The CPC
led by Mao held high the banner of revolutionary Marxism inside China and the
world. The Great Debate it initiated and led, the firm support and solidarity
it provided to the working class, oppressed nations and people of the world
gave a great confidence, strength and impetus to withstand the onslaught of the
exploiting ruling classes and imperialism. It exposed the betrayal and sabotage
of the revisionists led by the Soviet Modern Revisionist Clique. It was a time
when the fundamental contradictions of the world, more particularly, the
contradiction between the oppressed nations and imperialism and the inter-imperialist
contradictions were getting sharpened. It brought to the fore the
contradiction between the oppressed nations and imperialism as the principal
contradiction in the world. It was a time when the National Liberation Struggles,
National Independence Movements and Peoples Revolutions in Asia, Africa and
Latin America were on the upswing. The working class, the toiling masses, the students,
youth, women, democratic and anti-war forces were on the path of struggle all through
the world.
2. Situation in
India: There was an all round economic crisis in the country. The plunder by the
exploiting ruling classes and their imperialist masters had pushed the people
into an abyss of misery, poverty and famine. This sharpened the contradiction
between feudalism and broad masses of people, giving rise to a wave of revolt
and struggles in various parts of the country. The growing anti-feudal struggles
led to clashes and fights between the landlords and the landless, poor peasants.
Rural India was awakening and presenting itself as a volcano ready to burst.
The landless and poor peasants organised themselves in their class
organisations took to militant forms of I struggle to achicve their immediate
demands. The land 10 the tiller, seizure and distribution of land and the challenging
of the power and authority of landlords came on the agenda giving the entire
work among the masses and the struggle for the nights a revolutionary character.
The conditions for an Agrarian Revolution were ripe in our country and the
landless, poor peasants were ready to go into revolutionary action.
The ruling classes in India were in a deep crisis. The
gamble and dog fight for power got intensified: 'The omnipotent' Congress was
decimated in many states and the ruling classes had to run for new combinations
to perpetuate their rule. The discontentment among the masses was wide-spread
and it led to a number of organised 11 and militant struggles.
3. Betrayal of
Neo Revisionists: Toeing to the line of Soviet Modern Revisionists, the
CPI(M) leadership too shun and ran away from the path of struggle. This leadership
which broke away from the revisionists in 1963-64, was, in the main, neo-revisionist
in its ideological and political orientation. In spite this turn about by the leadership,
vast sections of revolutionary ranks and even leaders continued to wage
relentless ideological struggle so as to carry forward the task of completing New
Democratic Revolution.
The objective revolutionary conditions prevailing at
the time provided the favourable political background for the revolution-oriented
ranks and the sections of leadership to develop the class struggles and agrarian
movements in several areas. The experiences of class struggle and revolutionary
movements coupled with the struggle against revisionism and Modem Revisionism sharpened
their commitment to the struggle.
Naxalbari, therefore,
is the product of the objective revolutionary situation, of the struggle
against revisionism and neo revisionism and the practice of class struggle and
revolutionary orientation. Tebhaga - Telangana Precursor of Naxalbari
1. Naxalbari
took inspiration from the path of protracted peoples war pursued by the victorious
Chinese Revolution, the people of Vietnam and the revolutionary movements in other
colonial, semi colonial and semi-feudal countries. Also, it took inspiration
from the great and heroic revolutionary peasant movements and armed struggles that
had come up in Tebhaga (1946) and Telangana (1946-51). Naxalabari, thus, is a
part and continuation of this revoltuionary heritage.
2. Naxalbari developed as a result of consistent
political, organisational and mass work for several years. The people
agitated not only for minimum and immediate demands but also for maximum and basic
ones. From issues like wage rise to the seizure and distribution of the
landlord's lands, overthrow of their power and establishing the people's power
were taken up in their struggle. They built up various mass organisations, the peasant
organisations, in the main, and the one for self defence, apart from building
the much needed party. In the whole course of struggle, open-secret,
legal-illegal, non-violent-violent methods and forms of struggle-strike, protest
rallies, armed mass demonstrations and armed defence (with conventional
weapons, like bows and arrows, etc.) - were combined. The landless, poor
peasants and other rural poor enmasse-women, children and people of all ages-have
participated in thousands in these struggles. They had shown an exceptional
revolutionary consciousness, preparedness, courage, resolve and unity in their
fight against feudalism and the state. They refused to succumb to both sugar coated
bullets as well as the real bullets used by the state and the revisionist, neo
revisionist leaderships to contain and suppress the movement.
3. Naxalbari exemplifies the revolutionary massline and
is a result of concrete application of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse Tung Thought. It
followed the path of protracted people's war in accordance with the Indian
4. The leadership of Naxalbari peasant revolutionary
movement had to work in the face of many odds. It had to confront the stiff
opposition from the state and central leadership of the party as they still worked
within the party. Not only it had to fight revisionism and neo revisionism,
but also guard the movement from the left sectarian forces who sought to divert
the movement from the orientation of mass line. Though the struggle was in the
upswing, it lacked in the initial stages much needed solidarity and support from
the revolutionary struggles in the rest of the country.
Significance of
1. It most effectively brought to the fore the task of agrarian
revolution- the main content of New Democratic Revolution. It taught us that
the struggle for land, i.e.., the essence of agrarian revolution and the struggle
for political power are inseparably linked. It asserted that Marxism Leninism Mao
Tse Tung Thought the guiding ideology of the oppressed in the world. It pointed
out that the revolutionary situation was ripe and the people were ready for revolutionary
action and to bring revolutionary changes when provided with a revolutionary leadership.
It confirmed that revolution is not an act of heroism of a few individuals nor
an adventurous act of a band of militants. Revolution is a movement of the
conscious, organised and revolutionary masses led by the working class vanguard
with the aim of overthrowing the present exploitative system and establishing a
new society. It affirmed the need and importance of three weapons-party,
Army and UF-for the success of revolution. The three weapons are inter-related
and they must be developed all along the course of struggle of the
revolutionary movement.
2. The Communists must be ready to use all forms of
struggle and organisation necessary to raise the consciousness and
organisational level of the people to higher stage, i.e., from the present
level of ordinary resistance to the level for waging a protracted armed struggle.
3. Naxalbari has proved that the working class and the
peasantry are natural allies and the New Democratic Revolution can be completed
only with a firm worker-peasant alliance.
Naxalbari-A New
Ray of Hope
1. Naxalbari
has given an impetus and a political direction to the peasant, girijan revolutionary
movements like Srikakulam that were already developing at that time. It
inspired many peasant revolutionary movements in Debra-Gopiballabhpur,
Mushahari, Lakhimpur-Kheri, Bhojpur, Khammam, Warangal, East Godavari and other
areas. It became a source of inspiring various sections of our people in their
struggles. It aroused a powerful solidarity and democratic movement drawing thousands
of dedicated youth, women, students, middle class sections and intelligentsia
fighting hand in hand with workers and peasants for the fulfillment of
revolution in India.
2. We still look for a comprehensive review of the
Naxalbari Peasant Revolutionary Movement from the comrades who led this movement.
As for us, we firmly are of the opinion that Naxalbari has an important significance
for the path of Indian revolution, i.e. the path of Agrarian Revolution. It
confirms the need and role of mass organisations and also for the adoption of
necessary forms of struggle keeping in mind the level of the movement.
3. A correct understanding
of Naxalbari can be arrived at only when we go into its weaknesses, i.e., when it
drifted from the correct mass line to the line of individual annihilation of
class enemies. This line denies the decisive role and participation of
masses in making the revolution. This adventurist line ultimately isolated the movements
from the people and the rest is known.
4. It is an
undeniable fact that Naxalbari spread like a prairie fire. It is also a fact
that it faced a setback. Our failure to probe into the ideological and political
roots has caused tremendous harm to the revival and advancement of the
movement. Also, we succumbed to the phenomenon of splits, instead of rising
ourselves to admit and accept where Naxalbari went wrong.
Relevance Today
of Naxalbari
Our people continue
to reel under the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system and the rule of
comprodar bourgeoisie-landlord classes. The imperialist powers are busy in
their attempts to re-colonise the world in new form in the name of
globalisation, liberalisation, and its IMF WB, WTO, MNCs. With the growing and
naked aggression of imperialism, the task today to fight imperialism has become
more imperative. So to break the shackles of imperialism, comprodar bourgeoisie
and landlord classes, the people of India have no alternative but to follow the
path of Naxalbari, the path of Agrarian Revolution, the path of protracted
peoples war. With all its ups and downs and setbacks, Naxalbari still remains
the torch bearer of revolution for the masses of our country. The introduction
of the capitalist mode of production, known as Green Revolution in some areas
of Punjab, Haryana, Western UP, Maharastra, A.P. has not fundamentally affected
the production relations. The vast parts of our rural India continue to reel
under feudalism.
legislations such as Land Ceiling Act have remain sealed on paper. Only a few
states have carried of semblance of land reforms. On the contrary, land
grabbings by the landlords, big business and MNCs have increased in an alarming
manner pushing thousands of landless and poor peasants into the already existing
immense army of unemployed.
Private armies and goondas of landlords backed by the
State roam around freely in the villages imposing their rule at gun-point in
Bihar, UP and A.P., etc.
In A.P. the existence of article 1/70 which
assures the land owning rights to girijans is only an eye wash. The girijans
are today victims of the growing attacks from the plain area landlords. The
state turning a nelson's eye to these attacks.
Thus, from the
above facts, we can assert that the relevance of Naxalbari today remains
as essential in its content and orientation as in 1967 with the Agrarian
Revolution as the main axis of our revolution.
The experience of Tebhaga, Telangana, Punnapra-Vailar,
Mogha, Naxalbari, Srikakulam, Debra- Gopiballabhpur, Mushahari,
Lakhimpuri-Kheri, Bhojpur, East Godavari, Godavari Valley and many other
peasant revolutionary movements confirm that the revolutionary mass line is
the only correct path of struggle-however difficult it might be-to lead our
people to victory.
We have come a
long way inspite of all the onslaught by the enemy. Comrades, let us not forget
that Naxalbari belongs to all of us. Thousands have laid down their lives and
we owe to them to carry the struggle forward. This demands from all of us an
objective and dispassionate approach. We may have been a victim of some wrong
trends, mistakes and setbacks. Today, the peasant revolutionary movements and
girijan movements are developing in many parts of our country. We have to lead,
protect and develop them along the path of Agrarian Revolution and for a
protracted peoples war. We must pursue this task keeping in mind the concrete
conditions in the area and must be flexible in adopting the tactics to the
level of movement. We need to be mature to go deep into the causes of present
state of the movement by reviewing our 30 years of struggle experiences in
various parts of the country. Let us resolve to close our ranks and live upto
the expectations of our people at this moment, in this struggle. ELSE, History
will not absolve us. Thirty years have been a long way. We need to act. Let
Naxalbari continue to illuminate our path.
Advance in Revolutionary Mass Line!!
Victory to Revolution!!!
Revolutionary Greetings
By THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT OF “HONGQI” In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Lenin Long Live Leninism.pdf
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