Thursday, November 26, 2020


 March 18, 1943

  1. Study diligently, grasp essentials, concentrate on one subject rather than seeking a superficial knowledge of many.
  2. Work hard and have a plan, a focus and a method.
  3. Combine study with work and keep them in proper balance according to time, place and circumstances; take care to review and systematize; discover and create.
  4. On the basis of principles, resolutely combat all incorrect ideology in others as well as in myself.
  5. Insofar as possible, make the most of my strengths and take concrete steps to overcome my weaknesses.
  6. Never become alienated from the masses; learn from them and help them. Lead a collective life, inquire into the concerns of the people around you, study their problems and abide by the rules of discipline.
  7. Keep fit and lead a reasonably regular life. This is the material basis for self-improvement.


Written at Hongyan in Chongqing during the rectification movement.

Remembering Com. Gurusharan Singh people’s writer Dramatist

    Com. Gurusharan Singh, the renowned cultural activist, dramatist and well wisher of people’s movements expired on 27th Sept. 2011. He was born in Punjab in 1929. He took post-graduate degree in Chemistry and worked as a Cement Technician under the Punjab Govt. Besides that he was deeply attached with various progressive people’s movements through his dramas and songs.

    During  the construction of Bhakhara Nangal Dam, he closely observed the anti-people role of the govt. He wrote a very live drama upon the plight of the workers of the Project. Subsequently, he decided to go to the masses regularly with his dramas and songs. Up to 82 yrs. of age he wrote more than 175 dramas and hundreds of songs. His dramas were staged in most of the villages of Punjab. He also traveled in other parts of the country with his cultural troop. His drama, like Inqualab Jindabad, Gaddha and Dhamak Nagade Di became very popular in many parts of the country. He did many experiments in the forms and contents of his dramas and songs, which proved his excellence in the cultural field. His famous song – Ye Lal Farere Teri Kasm, Es Khoon Ka Badala Hum Lenge – is still sweltering the blood of the toiling masses of the country. He translated the famous International Song into Punjab language and presented it with a new impressive tune.

    His dramas and songs created a revolutionary zeal not only among the people of Punjab, but also of the country as a whole. He remained always in favour of democratic and revolutionary movements of the country. He strongly opposed the state repression on the people of Punjab during the Chief-Ministership of Gyani Zail Singh. So, he was arrested and sent to jail also. He vehemently opposed military suppression  of revolutionary and nationality movements, going on in different part of the country. August or September 2011 he came to Delhi, even after of his bad health, to raise voice against Operation Green Hunt and for the release of political prisoners.

    The real homage to Com. Gurusharan Singh can only be paid by adopting pro-people attitude and advancing democratic and revolutionary movements towards victory.


    The Central Committee of CPI (ML) extends its support and solidarity to the all India General Strike of Workers on Nov 26, 2020 and Delhi Chalo protest programme of peasants on Nov 26- 27, 2020 in defense of their just demands.   

    The Workers in our Country today are under unrestrained and ever intensifying attacks. BJP Govt. at the Centre is on an aggressive drive to take away whatever the rights the workers had won through decades of struggles. The voice of workers is being throttled. They are being reduced into living chattels and bonded labor. The banks, LIC, mines, railways, industries and natural resources, etc developed by the sweat and blood of our toiling people are being placed in the hands of imperialist and the Indian Corporate Companies to freely loot and suck the blood of workers and other toiling people.   The workers are forced to continuously tighten their belts, get crushed under the heavy wheel of the ever increasing costs of life. Ever worsening conditions of work and life and the endless attempts of rulers to shift the burdens of economic crisis are making the workers’ life unbearable and pathetic.  

    The peasants’ right over the land is under a devastating attack. Peasants are denied the remunerative price for their produce. The agriculture is destroyed and the peasants are pauperised. Here the Indian rulers have opened up the agrarian sector for an unlimited loot and control of the imperialists, Indian Corporate Houses and landlords by corporatizing the land and agriculture.Three recent anti – farmer and draconian Central laws are only a part of this all out onslaught on the peasants.

    Present all India protest actions of workers and peasants on November 26th and 27th are being coincided. It adds strength and momentum to both. We wish that these protest actions would overcome all hurdles and repressive moves, gain the support and solidarity of other toiling people and democratic forces and become the real mass actions. We hope they serve as catalysts for more united and determined struggles in future against the anti- people, anti-democratic and subservient policies of the exploiting ruling classes.          

                * Success to Nov 26th, 27th Protest Actions of Workers and Peasants! 

                * Long Live Worker – Peasant Unity!! 

              * Down with the Pro – imperialist, pro – big bourgeois and Pro – Landlord policies                     of the  Indian Ruling classes!!!                                                                                                    


               General Secretary 

21-11-2020                                                                                                    CPI (ML)            

Monday, November 2, 2020

Com. Koranna and Manganna martyrs Meeting Report

Com. Koranna and Manganna first martyrs of Srikakulam movement.  They were killed on October 31st 1967 by land lords gundas in mondemkallu of srikakulam agency. We conducted these martyrs meeting at srikakulam martyrs column on 31st srikakulam 2020.  



  By THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT OF “HONGQI”   In Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Lenin Long Live Leninism.pdf